Reporting Parity Non-Compliance

  • Maryland Insurance Administration: If you have been denied coverage or cannot get authorization in a timely manner, and cannot go through the insurance appeal process first because “any delay in services could result in death, serious impairment, or cause you to be a threat to self or others,” contact the Maryland Insurance Administration IMMEDIATELY!
  • The Maryland Insurance Commissioner is appointed by the Governor. Insurance Commissioners act as advocates for consumer protection, regulators of insurance, and educators who are able to provide consumers with information that pertains to the state insurance system. They act as intermediary figures between individual consumers and insurance companies within Maryland. (

You are entitled to the following free services from the Maryland Insurance Administration (for more info, visit:

  • Handling of complaints filed with state insurance agencies;
  • Enforcing the insurance laws of Maryland;
  • Responding to consumer inquiries;
  • Providing educational and informational resources;
  • Answering specific questions about health coverage plans and policies;
  • Advising on rights and protections afforded under Maryland law;
  • Regulating and licensing health insurance companies;
  • Ensuring that insurance rules and laws are executed.

Maryland Attorney General’s Office –The Health Education and Advocacy Unit of the Consumer Protection Division: If you have a billing or coverage dispute with a healthcare provider or insurer and need assistance to resolve the issue, including mediation services, contact the Maryland Attorney General’s Office:

The Maryland Attorney General’s Office –Health Education and Advocacy Unit of the Consumer Protection Division assists consumers in resolving billing and other disputes between a treatment provider and a patient or between an insurance carrier and a patient. (

Maryland law allows healthcare providers to file complaints against insurance carriers on behalf of consumers. All assistance provided by the above agencies is FREE to consumers.


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