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Recovery Net Funding

Recovery Net Funding

Recovery Net provides care coordination to individuals with substance use or co-occurring disorders and provides funding for clinical and recovery support services. The program connects Maryland residents to services that promote their independence, self-sufficiency, and stability and encourage treatment completion. Services can include recovery housing, transportation, employment services, vital records, mental and dental services, and other unmet needs, like dental fees, copays, eyeglasses, acupuncture, medical equipment, prescriptions, life skills and parenting classes, gym memberships, school supplies, car repairs, legal fees and fines, tools/materials for work, etc. Recovery Net is consumer-focused and strives to meet the unique needs of each participant. State funding is used to expand access to a comprehensive array of community-based recovery support services for individuals in varying stages of recovery.

Maryland residents at least 18 years of age with a substance use disorder must enroll in the program and meet income eligibility requirements. Their income must not exceed 200% of the Federal Poverty Level ($22,340 for an individual or $30,260 for an individual with one dependent) and they must be without insurance or other financial resources to pay for Recovery Net services. Income verification is required. Services must be requested by the participant, rather than a provider or other third party acting on the individual’s behalf.

DISCRIMINATION NOTE:  Although the program advertises that “service recipients are able to choose services and service providers”, and “care coordinators must ensure that prospective service recipients have free and genuine choice in the selection of service providers and that the selection process is conducted in a way that is respectful and cognizant of the individual’s cultural background and stated needs”, BHA does not allow abstinence-based recovery residences to receive funding, nor any alternative providers, including medical cannabis, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, nutrition therapy, etc.  In this respect, the program’s adherence to “free and genuine choice” is a misnomer.

Maryland Recovery Net Staff Contact Information:

Recovery Services Program Manager
Patricia Konyeaso

Region 1  Baltimore City
Sherita Hawkes

Region 2  Central and Western Regions
Dena Trail
Washington, Frederick, Carroll, Montgomery, Howard, Baltimore, Harford and Cecil Counties

Region 3 – Southern and Eastern Regions
Tyfanni Penn
Anne Arundel, Prince Georges, Calvert, Charles, Dorchester, St. Mary’s and Wicomico Counties

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